Clean Obsessed Backpack Vacuums

Clean Obsessed Backpack Vacuums

Clean Obsessed Commercial Backpack Vacuums

Clean Obsessed LogoReliably, Thoroughly, and Easily Vacuum Any Space!

Clean Obsessed Commercial Backpack Vacuums are designed with the strongest parts able to withstand all day, everyday use. They are built with the highest grade materials and have been described as the most powerful backpack vacuum cleaner on the market today. Clean Obsessed Backpack Vacuums are used by cleaning staff all over the world in hotels, movie theaters, office building, and professional cleaning services.

The Clean Obsessed Commercial Backpack line consists of the CO06 and the CO10 models. Both have HEPA filtration systems and come with a complete 8-piece tool kit. These accessories and attachments are designed to assist with multi uses and surfaces.


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