The Eureka Style OX bags for Yellow Jacket central vacuum and Eureka 920, 6500, and the 6990 canister vacuums will prevent you from having to handle the dirt, dust and debris accumulated over months of vacuuming. We carry central vacuum bags for every Eureka model vacuum. If you are unsure which bag will work best for you system then, give us a call today at 1.800.322.2965. One of our experts will be happy to help you find the right vacuum bag.
Eureka OX bags for Yellow Jacket central vacuum and Eureka Canister vacuums will prevent you from having to handle the dirt, dust and debris accumulated over months of vacuuming. A Eureka OX bag is not only more hygienic, it also helps capture tiny particles from reentering the indoor air around you! What does all this mean? Well... a vacuum bag creates cleaner air which allows you to breathe easier, a bag eliminates handling dirt, and finally the Eureka OX bag is simple to change and dispose of!
The Eureka Style OX fits the following Central vacuums:
Eureka OX bags for Yellow Jacket central vacuum and Eureka Canister vacuums will prevent you from having to handle the dirt, dust and debris accumulated over months of vacuuming. A Eureka OX bag is not only more hygienic, it also helps capture tiny particles from reentering the indoor air around you! What does all this mean? Well... a vacuum bag creates cleaner air which allows you to breathe easier, a bag eliminates handling dirt, and finally the Eureka OX bag is simple to change and dispose of!
The Eureka Style OX fits the following Central vacuums:
Eureka 920 Canister
Eureka 6500 Canister
Eureka 6990 Canister
Eureka CV140 Yellow Jacket Central Vacuum
Specifications of the 61230f-6 Style OX Eureka Bags
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