Helpful Tips

Helpful Tips

Skirting An Obstacle

Junction of Two Horizontal Lines

How to properly skirt an obstacle

Junction of Two Horizontal Lines

Junction of Two Parallel Lines

Junction of Two Parallel Lines

Junction of Two Vertical Lines

Junction of Two Vertical Lines


How To Use Fittings In Junctions

Sweeping 90� T 45 Degree "Y" Double "Y"
Sweeping 90 T 45 Degree "Y" Double "Y"
The sweep 90 Degree Tee is the
most commonly used.
When installation requires it - a 45 degree "Y" junction is very useful. This double "Y" is very useful with two 45 degree elbows, in order to provide two 90 degree branches on either side.
Short Tee Short 90
Short Tee
This short tee is only to be used for the direct installation of a vacuum inlet valve in a continuous pipe.

The short tee must never be used
as a junction!
Short 90
The short 90 elbow must only be used at the vacuum inlet valve and never anywhere else!

The short 90 elbow is forbidden in
the piping system.